The Day No One was Around!

The Previous day my mum had said that I would be home alone before school. And that she would take Levi to school early for a pukeko thing. So I did as told and went to school by myself. It  was oddly quiet and there were a lot less people and cars around. 

When I got to school I noticed that there wasn’t anyone around. I put my bag away and put my IPad in my tote tray. I walked outside and thought to myself: wait, if no one’s here  I should probably get video proof for when things get back to normal. After that I walked around the school getting Video proof. Then I noticed that not everything went away. The school cat was acting suspicious. He walked around the same cupboard over and over. When the cat noticed me I gave him some strokes. I opened the cupboard and saw!….

FOOT PRINTS! So I’m not the only one here. I said aloud, at that moment I heard some rustling from the cupboard. I decided that I didn’t want to know who or what is in there. So I decided to try and find other clues. That’s when I checked the time. 1:50. I still have an hour before I go home. I heard some more rustling from the cupboard and realised I had accidentally left the cat in it. So I opened the cupboard and decided I should go wherever the cat goes.

The cat led me up onto the field and there was a drone, it looked like it was locked onto me. I decided to go inside so it couldn’t see me. The cat followed me inside I had just gotten inside when I saw it. A controller for the drone. And on top of it. A sharpened metal ruler! It looked so sharp that it could cut something or someone by touch. However I didn’t notice how sharp it was and it cut me.


Suddenly, all of my friends and family came out of hiding spots. Quinn even came out from the inside of the roof!!! Then they all did creepy faces and I died of shock!

The End

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