A Day In The Life Of An Archer

One sunny August morning in the castle courtyard, Matthew said “Tom, want to go to the target range soon.” “Yeah, why not.” I replied. So we got our stuff and headed out on the path through the forest to get to our secret place where we practise. Our spot is a large clearing about a 10 minutes walk from the castle. The clearing has a large lush willow on the far side of a grassy meadow. We set up our targets: Mine an old helmet from the battle school, Matthews a hay bale that he “borrows” from the stables he painted a target. We shoot at our targets until our quivers are empty an go to see our shots. I got 18 of 24, and Matthew got 20/24! “Nice job!” I say to Matthew. “To be fair your target is smaller than mine. Do you want to swap?” 

Suddenly we hear the trumpet fanfare that means that all soldiers and archers are called to the castle! We gather our stuff hurriedly and race back to the glamorous castle. As we rush back I think I see a dark shape moving in the shadows of the looming gnarled dark trees. Suddenly Matthew and I burst out of the trees and into the light grassy fields that surround the towering castle.
We double our efforts to get closer to the castle! We race past Sirs Josh, and Toby in the courtyard. We race up the steps in the courtyard to reach the battlements! Once Matthew and I finally reached the top what we saw caused me to almost faint. (As for Matthew, We don’t talk about that.) 


There were tons of catapults and thousands of enemy troops from the bordering kingdom, Estian! “Archers, there are enemies on the horizon!” Shouts our commander Quinn. “We think they will reach us at sunset today, until then keep an eye out and stay in the castle!” “Commander” I say, “Matthew and I were rushing back after the trumpets, and I saw a shape in the forest, there was something mysterious about it.” “Probably a scout,” he replied.” Satisfied that we had alerted the captain, Matthew and I returned to our stations and kept watch until another pair came to take our place.


“Who do you think is leading the enemy?” asks Matthew. “I would say Commander Macintosh but he wouldn’t leave his troops out in the open after the whoping our archers gave him last year.” I replied. “Maybe Commander Carken” said Matthew. Suddenly Commander Quinn approaches us across the courtyard. “Commander Macintosh is leading the enemy, he just that ignorant” He says. “Also please report to the battlements, they are moving faster than we expected.


“There seem to be even more of the enemy now that they are closer.” Says Matthew. Suddenly we hear a sickening THUMP!! “They have long range catapults!! That’s when I saw a large ball of steel sitting just in front of us in a deep crater! WOOOOOSH… CRASH!! A ball of steel hits the wall barley ten metres away from us! Then we can no longer see the catapults because they are behind a cloud of rising dust. Suddenly mounted soldiers are charging out of the dust and across the grassy fields!


“Archers, at the ready!” Shouts our commander. “Fire!!” All of the archers on fire at the same time causing damage to some of the riders. “Ready… Fire! Ready… Fire” we release two more shots. But the number of mounted horsemen will still overwhelm the knights below protecting the gate. “Ready…” WOOOOOSH… CRASH!! Another ball is launched and there is a gaping hole next to us. The riders are close enough to see who their leader of the charge is. “Macintosh” murmured Matthew under his breath. He loaded an arrow and aimed.


Twang went the bowstring as the arrow fired away. It looked like it was going to hit but another rider charged in front of Macintosh and was hit. Falling off his horse in front of Macintosh’s horse causing it to stumble and throw him off! He got and started attacking Arrowhead soldiers expertly causing devastating damage. Sirs Toby and Josh charged with their long lances down into Macintosh Josh’s hit his shield but Toby’s hit him squarely on the chest knocking him into another horse causing it to stumble wich hit two more horses causing them to stumble and making a giant chain reaction!!


In the end we won the battle and defeated Estian!!

2 comments on “A Day In The Life Of An ArcherAdd yours →

  1. Tom I love your work. I found myself hooked like a cat and chicken 🍗 keep up the good work. I also love your use of onomatopoeia your blog’s are so interesting.

  2. Thanks Quinn! I really appreciate your support. This is also my favourite blog but it had no comments until now! Thank you!

    🐈 🍗

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