As I went over the finish line Quinn tried to jump in front of me. But After school when I went home I Are you one of those kids that like cross country, well I am. But in 2021 I accidentally joined the school wearable arts club, when I was trying to join origami. Long story short, I missed cross country because of the wearable arts competition. What I’m trying to say is that I missed cross country last year. I was REALLY excited for it this year!!! Sadly it was postponed due to the weather, also it ended up being a road race instead of running through Totara Park. Before my race (which was third to last) my friends and I were playing infected tag in the crowd. I came 1st!!! I felt really good finally winning cross country. After the race we had early lunch which meant more playing as well. After lunch I went into the hall for prize giving, when Miss Fowler was calling up the year 6 boys podium, I went up and received my certificate.

Before my race, we did warmups. Then the starting marshall, counted down “3,2,1” as she said “go” she clapped two wooden blocks together. And the race was on!!! We ran around the field, up the back entrance and through an alleyway. After that I went up a big hill and turned left onto Hill Road. By then I was in the lead with my best friend, Quinn. We then went down a big hill and went left onto the road that the school is on. Then we went up to the caretaker’s entrance and back up to the field. From there it was a sprint right through some mud up to the finish line, and I was still next to quinn.

As I went over the finish line Quinn tried to jump in front of me. But I came 1st!!! I felt really good finally winning cross country. After the race we had early lunch which meant more playing as well. After lunch I went into the hall for prize giving, when Miss Fowler was calling up the year 6 boys podium, I went up and received my certificate.

After school when I went home I told my mum that I won. She was really proud of me.
When I was allowed on my ipad, I played some minecraft with Levi (my little brother).

The end


3 comments on “CROSS COUNTRY!!!Add yours →

  1. I love how much you enjoy running Tom. I’m glad you had a chance to run in school cross country but I also really enjoyed supporting you in the Wearable Arts competition last year. Great writing – I’m impressed with your spelling in this blog.

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