School science fair I went to the science fair I saw volcanos And I took some pictures saw some cute photos and this is how they look like there my favourite pictures Then I saw[…]
Electric Unicron + ele + bat If you see a weird creature that looks like a unicorn and a ele it can eat humans. And it can fly and it’s really interesting to[…]
Halloween Where does halloween come from why do we celebrate halloween Is Halloween fun? Describe the costumes Trick or treating Ending in the ancient time people decided to celebrate halloween because it was a tradition[…]
Athletics day
Yesterday we had Athletes day. We had to get ready so we put our bags in the bag hut and we went to class and the teacher said. We have to go soon. After 20[…]
Tree planting tree for survival
I went to a farm to plant trees with my classmates. There was a big hill that I had to climb up and down the hill. It was fun but it was also very hard.[…]
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