My invention the plasma shield

Once a decade nuclear power would be transported to the device and power it, whitch also means that. It might  have a live camera so people can look at earth and space. Or instead of nuclear power maybe solar panels facing the sun as an alternative to nuclear power. Along with power we need plasma so the machine doesn’t freeze, so I suggest that we put a plasma generator on top so there is a pipe connecting the plasma generator to the actual plasma saving earth from incoming asteroids. My intention is that the plasma shield melts/burns the incoming asteroid before it enters earth’s atmosphere or hits earth.

The Cazy cool and smart Scientist

Eclipse is a crazy and enthusiastic researcher with a bit of an anxious side when she is around people,  but there is nothing that she loves more than skateboarding down craters and she knows all the best tricks like Kickflips, Tick turn, Tic-Tac and the Boardslide and many more. 

She has a double PHD in scientific marine biology and zoology, she is studying astronomy because she has suddenly has an interest in the stars and planets, and wishes to travel to a new planets someday.