Hi I’m Waka,and if I were to go on a mission to Mars, and I was allowed to bring three luxury items I would bring a: super strong wifi router, a PC and a basketball court that comes with a soccer field, soccer ball and basketball.
The reason I would want to bring a super strong wifi router is because my PC can call my family and friends and I can have a chat with them and show them space, because it will get very lonely in space.
Space PC
There’s no doubt that I would get bored in a spaceship all alone so I would bring the PC so i’m not bored and i can watch Netflix, Disney + and Youtube and when I don’t feel like watching stuff I can play my favorite games like: Minecraft, roblox and fortnite.
Basketball court and Soccer field
If I’m bored and I don’t feel like gaming I can play basketball and soccer because exercise is very important when you’re in space and it’d be fun too.