
Guardians of our nature.                                                       Reduce marine debris that may entangle or be accidentally eaten by sea

Showing kinship.                                                                     turtle. Do not disturb the nesting or hatchling. Do not catch or haras  sea

Protection to our plants.                                                        turtle. Never abandon fish gear

Guardianship.                                                                            Never feed or attempt to feed sea turtle



Week 3-diving into the ocean

This week for STEAM we learned about the different ocean zones. I researched and created a labelled diagram of each zone. It had to include a description of the zone’s characteristics, pictures of the animals that live in each zone and a brief description of the zone. There are 5 different zones which include: the sunlight zone (epipelagic), the twilight zone (mesopelagic), the midnight zone (bathypelagic), the abyssal zone (abyssopelagic) and the hadal zone (trenches)

Here is a picture of my Ocean Zone diagram.

Week 4 – Turtle Fact File

This week in STEAM we researched facts about a sea turtle. We had a few to choose from and I decided to research the Leatherback. I chose the Leatherback turtle because it was really big.

some interesting facts I learned. I learned that sea turtles eat green sea turtles.sea turtles lay their eggs in a nest they dig in the sand with their rear flippers…


STEAM week 1 exploring sea animals

In week one of STEAM we created a KWL chart with facts that we already know and things we wanted to learn about.

I know that sea animals stop breathing when they are out of the water, the sea is blue, that there is salt in the ocean and that there is more sea than land.

I would like to find out the story of the Laviathan ( sea monster ) and what it eats,