happening now!
smart engineering teams of 4!
Epro8 is a competition where people all around NZ; and schools in NZ will be participating. It is just like Aquabots but that’s around the world, Epro8 is just in NZ only, so all you need to do is ask who is running for your mini Epro8 and register your team of 4 so that the teacher chooses the best team to go on to the real deal and you get points when you finish it, Epro8 is once a year so you only have 1 chance to get in the Epro8 challenge every year where there is a judge every year when it is hosted it is the same judge and over 25,000 students participate in it, so good luck with Epro8!

4 thoughts on “TGS Epro8

  1. Hi Aveer I really liked the your writing and how you were advertising the EPRO8 competition and your punctuation keep it up.

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