These are my pictures about my world. One of the pictures are showing the npc’s who talk to you and tell you what to do,…
These are my pictures about my world. One of the pictures are showing the npc’s who talk to you and tell you what to do,…
The white witch is mean. I feel the wind around me. And the trees are spying.
This is my fact file about sea turtles I learnt about the loggerhead sea turtle and its diet its habitat its prey what it…
This is my cinquan poem, about nature. Nature …
Key words Nature Guardianship Conservation Environment Culture Kinship Protection Moāri Traditional Relationship Kaitiakitanga is part of New Zealand (Moāri) it means (Guardian of…
The ocean is a beautiful and important part of our planet, full of amazing creatures that we need to protect. As a kaititiaki of the…
In week 8 for STEAM we created a brochure to highlight the conservation of a marine animal. I chose to create mine on a Loggerhead…
This week in STEAM I researched Kaitiakitanga and conservation of the ocean. I researched about the Sea Pig. My research needed to include: Habitat…
Continue reading Week 7 STEAM – Conservation Strategies for Sea Animals