Steam week one Tui 3 term 3

Living thing are always breathing. And can talk .plus can give birth to a child. Living things, they need food and water to survive. Also living things can also grow.They also can move.


Non living things can’t move.  Plus they do not need food or  water to survive . They can’t grow. And can’t move by themselves.


2 thoughts on “Steam week one Tui 3 term 3

  1. Hey! Nice blog post! I really like the idea you put in this blog post, but a negative is that on “also living things can grow” at the end of the sentence you put a full stop but you didn’t leave a space after that for your next sentence. You can improve more but why do you think plants can move, tell the time, talk to other plants and giving birth to other plants? And why do you think that.

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