Our school’s vacation for terms 1, 2, and 3 lasts approximately 16 days. It means that school holidays are very short, lasting less than three weeks. However, most students and teachers want more recess and free time. School holidays at The Gardens school should be longer. Why do school holidays have to be longer? Now let’s find out why.
The reasons why school vacations should be longer are as follows. First, you can spend more time with your family. Students and teachers all have their own families. Of course, they will want to spend time with their families during the holidays. Longer vacations allow students and teachers to spend more time with their families. They can also go on long family trips during school holidays or visit family members if they live far away. Therefore, vacations should be longer so that students and teachers can spend more time with their families.
Second, you can have more time to study what you need. Each student will know which subjects they lack or need. And there’s no better time than vacation to study these things. Supplementing the subjects you lack during vacation will have a positive impact on your study of those subjects. As the vacation gets longer, you can increase the time to study the subjects you need and what you want to learn. All students should be able to fully study what they need and want to learn. Therefore, vacations must be long so that students can study what they need.
Third, both students and teachers can enjoy more free time. Free time is something everyone at our school needs. because free time gives everyone energy and enjoyment. Students and teachers can use their free time to relax or play. And if they want, they can use their free time to pursue their hobbies. If students and teachers have enough free time during vacation, they will be able to work harder on everything when they go back to school. Therefore, vacations must be longer to allow teachers and students more free time.
So far, we have looked into why school vacations should be longer. As mentioned earlier, longer vacations allow both students and teachers more time with family, exercise, and study. And of course, you will have plenty of free time. Therefore, the vacations at The Gardens school must be longer.
8 replies on “School holidays – Writing competition”
Well done, Jimin!
I like how not only did you include enjoyment, but education, which is important as well. I agree with your argument – you’ve really convinced me!
Not only that, but you’ve been learning English for less than a year and your writing is already up to standard. I can tell you are focused on your studies and put a lot of effort into your work.
I’m very impressed!
Sara Moussa
잘했어, 지민!
나는 네가 즐거움뿐만 아니라 교육도 포함시켰는데, 이는 또한 중요하다. 난 네 주장에 동의해 – 넌 정말 날 설득했어!
뿐만 아니라, 당신은 영어를 배운 지 1년도 채 되지 않았고 당신의 글은 이미 표준에 달려 있습니다. 나는 네가 공부에 집중하고 일에 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다고 말할 수 있어.
난 정말 감명받았어!
사라 무사
Hello Jimin, well done on this awesome blog! The first thing I think you did really well with was excellent vocabulary.
The second thing I think you did really well on was your English, you did great and I hope you continue to learn.
You did really well and so far I don’t see anything that needs improvement.
Great job and keep it up!
Dayton Watson-Taumata.
This was some great piece of writing, especially for you as you have only been learning english for a curtain amount of time. You have stated all facts to persuade readers on why school holidays should be longer.
You have convinced me and other readers that school holidays should be longer. Not only have you had an opening statement but you have added a conclusion by restating what you have just talked about.
Ka Pai Jimin!
잘했어, 지민아
이것은 정말 흥미로운 블로그였습니다! 너무 재미있게 읽었습니다
당신의 구두점은 매우 높은 수준의 작업이었습니다!
Wow Jimin I love the layout that you have done for your blog and I love the way that you have added detail to your story it’s really cool. Keep it up!
Thank you Japji, I really like your feedback! 😊💖
Great job I love your writing its very detailed and the paragraphs… mind blown great job in the detail and wording … incredible
Working on
Add a bit more vocabulary and a little bit more structure you do have it but try to make it even better!
Where did you get that wonderfull idea from.
Ka pai!
– Zyx Sharma –
Thank you for your helpful feedback Zyx.😆
I believe that I need some more vocabulary just like your comment said.
Answer for your question: I have got my idea from my old school which is in Korea.
They have two terms in a year unlike most of New Zealand schools and have really long holidays about 1 month and few weeks.
My question: Can you please tell me some useful words for my writing?
Thank you🤩