If I went to mars and wanted to bring 3 luxury item what would it be

I would bring a giant teddy bear why?? Because I need company of course or well to snuggle. If you go to mars you would want something to snuggle with right, unless you hate teddy bears then that’s ok. But if you brought a normal teddy bear that’s fine I guess BUT HOW ABOUT A GIANT ONE!!! who wouldn’t want one! I know I want one so that’s one item hmmmm.

Ok well fine second thing two cats Poppy and Shadow why you Might ask well a pet you need a pet don’t you teddy bear it’s fine but isn’t alive but a cat is alive and you can make memories with and take to places and is better at times

Then inf book machine so I can read for entertainment and knowledge so that’s the 3rd item, but it could also be used as a fort to make an image a fort made of books amazing I think the book might be my favourite item that’s my list. 

Almost forgot the cats came with space suits it is a dream come true we could explore in space every day take photos and it would be mowmazing with that out of the way this is the end of my list MEOW.


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