
Family Fun.

Family Fun!
By Mya Gray

The giggles so loud,

In this very big crowd.

The light filled up the room,

It was as big as a broom.

The fence so long

Like a round of ping pong.

Her laugh was a squeak 

His glass had a leak.

The glass pulled itself down,

It was so very loud.

Boom! Crash! 

The glass went smash!

She was so hungry,

She could eat Harry!

They walked, which felt like a million hours,

Once they got there they felt they had powers.

They were one of a kind,

It stopped them from going blind.


Should year 7 and 8 perform at polyfest?

Should year 7 – 8 perform at polyfest? This is a very undecided question. But in my opinion I think 100% yes! I think this because everyone should get a change to experience and perform at polyfest, it would also be good if you could practice performing before high school and if you experience it early it wouldn’t be as nerve wracking when you are older. If the year 7 and 8 get to perform it would be absolutely amazing!



The Night Sky

Its as dark as night,

the moon and stars were so very bright,

there were determined to shine,

Like a bright light.

The galaxy is shimmering,

Meteorites flying,

across the sky,

At the horizon light.