
Writing competition Topic-Kaitiakitanga

During Term 3 and 4, Kāhu hapori has been learning about Guardianship of the Earth which in Māori is Kaitiakitanga.

Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection over the environment. Kaitiakitanga is known for taking the full responsibility to provide and  protect the land, water, environment, nature, and animals.

Kaitiakitanga has helped with many environmental issues. Such as protecting ecosystems, ensuring food sources, restoring environments, and preventing permanent damage to nature and Earth.

Kaitiakitanga can be shown by providing full guardianship over the environment, having a strong spiritual connection to Māori, and looking after Natures values. The meaning for these actions, are for to continue to have a healthy environment for later on in the future.