
House assembly

House assemblies !

Why I think you should participate in house assemblies .

You might think where’s the point in dressing up in house colours it’s hard to find the right colour and just a waste of time but trust me dressing up and supporting your house is the best ! everyone around you would be wearing the you house colour and when your the only one who doesn’t it would be like you one the odd on in the group  but other then that it’s just fun to be out of your uniform and wearing / supporting your house colour .

what we do in house assembly ;
first we our teacher sends us off to were our assemblies are . Once we get there we start of by doing our chants and maybe learning a new one then the teachers who are in that house give tokens to who ever is being good . After we’re finished doing our chants the house captans and teachers choose who should get a certificate for participating or just being good , once  we’ve finished all of that we head back to the Kāhu space and talk about what we did .

conclusion ;
in conclusion house assembly is just a great time for you to dress up and support you house ! And participating is  even better not just for you for your house as well !




5 replies on “House assembly”

Great job Riya, you convinced me to participate in our upcoming house assemblies. Though there was a few things you could work on: you could make sure to use capital letters in the right spot – at the start of sentences and headings, – and using a semicolon! Great job!

Very nice blog, Riya B! Your use in punctuation was spectacular! But remember to work on using your capital letters!!

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