Last Tuesday I went to Tōtara park in the morning. We walked to Tōtara park and then sat down to do a quick check everyone was there. Kāhu 3, 5 and 6 went in a group so that left kāhu 1,2 and 4 to be in a group. Once we started walking we all saw trees, bark, dirt and mud. There were a lot of different tree types and a lot of insect species. Mrs VT found some wētā in a tree so we all stopped and looked at it, some people took photos but soon we kept on walking.
There were birds chirping and the wind was blowing, I felt cold but it was alright. The smell in the air was fresh and smelt like trees. Our group saw a lot of rivers, some quick flowing , some slow flowing. A lot of them were a weird brown colour, but also some were crystal clear. Some of the rivers were rough and some were calm. All the trees looked different, some tall, some thin, some with holes and some without. We were using this app called Seek to identify what exactly we found. You take a picture on the app and then it pops up with what you have found.
Once we finished on the first walk we went back to the main area where we ate lunch and by the time we finished it started drizzling but we still walked. We walked up a lot of stairs and then we stopped on a mountain for a bit waiting for the rest of us, then we kept walking. We reached a lookout and it was very steep, looking down there were a lot of trees and branches, if you fell it would hurt really bad. Then we kept walking and everyone thought we were lost because it felt like we were walking for a long time, but we weren’t. Then we walked back at lunch time.
This tuesday we went on another walk to the botanical gardens, we sat down and got into our groups but this time it wasn’t in kāhu’s. Once I got in my group we all started walking, we had been assigned to go do the scavenger hunt first, we had to find plants in alphabetical order. We found a lot of cool plants and they were really pretty. Our group also went to the pond and they saw an eel and some ducks that were dunking themselves under water. We walked back and ate morning tea and then we started walking again. But this time we were doing the storm water walk. Our group walked as our teacher talked about how they save water, concaves and a lot more. It started raining again so my group stopped to put on our rain coats. The botanical gardens were really pretty and calming.