My first few days in 2024 Kāhu

In Kāhu so far, we have done crazy things! In this year so far we have done swimming and softball trials. Thats not it, we still have 20 sports coming up. I have done swimming trials but not softball, i’m not a big fan of it so I didn’t do it. This will be a really fun year in Kāhu. Some teachers have swapped places too. Miss Wang changed classes and Mrs Van Tonder replaced her. Miss Bearda left and Miss Smith replaced her. Things I am looking forward to is leavers jerseys, sports, fun workshops and most importantly, camp! In the Kāhu space so far we have made lanterns for the Lunar new year. Its the year of the Dragon! Lanterns are really fun to make, we made them and my lanterns going really well. We have also been focusing on our Kāhu Treaty. In this learning process we have been learning all about the Treaty Of Waitangi as we will be taking pointers from there to make our treaty good and balanced. This year is one of the best years in TGS for me. All the events, all the fun sports. We also are really excited to see all of our tech groups. Another addition in Kāhu are our Matanga groups are working with: engineering, hand sewing, sphero coding, photo and geography, music, wellbeing and working the the environment. Kāhus tech groups as I mentioned before are also really cool. A few of my favourite tech groups are E-velocity and I am a cook. Im hoping to get my favourite tech group. I have a few goals for this year and I hope to acheive them all. My first goal is getting Self-Directed Learner my second is getting House Captain for Kāuri. I am starting to work towards my goals now and I know that if I keep working for my goals, ill achieve them one day. In this year.

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