Guardians of the earth

Earth is a very beautiful planet it has fantastic views, plants,trees,flowers and animals live on this planet with us. Us humans we create problems like pollution or climate change, that makes the earth less beautiful. We can solve this problem by showing kaitakitanga, being the guardians of the earth. You might ask how do you show kaitakitanga? What is kaitakitanga? You can show kaitakitanga by picking up rubbish or planting trees or plants. Our factories smoke creates climate change, climate change causes the water to heat up that can potentially make the ocean rise and flood places. You can help stop climate change by adding solar panels to your house or you can insulate your walls, use electric cars, use sustainable transport (scooter,skateboard,bicycle) or protect your local river like the Puhinui stream. There is a lot of ways to show kaitakitanga, and there is a lot of pollution and climate change destroying the earth, help the earth and show kaitakitanga.

4 Comments so far

  1.   manveerb_2311 on November 10th, 2024          Reply

    Good blog Shivesh but you need to add more information and work on paragraphs. If you added more detail or more words it would’ve been great .

  2.   jeevanjots_1004 on November 26th, 2024          Reply

    Really good blog Shivesh! Now I know all about Kaitiakitanga but I had to say 1 thing you could improve on it would be to add a some more detail!

    •   shiveshs_0405 on December 10th, 2024          Reply

      Thank you jeevanjot I’ll use your feedback

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