Tessellation Art

What is a Tessellation

 Do you know what Tessellation is? If you don’t, then read this. Tessellation is basically shapes being repeated and repeated and it becomes a pattern. You can do it on paper too like I did.         

How to make a Tessellation

On paper if you want it or cut it you will have to tape it on the other side of your paper. Be careful because the paper taped should not overlap or have any gaps. Then you trace it on your other real paper then again and it should be able to match it otherwise you. Have to restart or take off the tape and retape it.

How i made my Tessellation 

I made my Tessellation a little different compared to everyone’s else’s. I traced mine on my iPad but not fully because the photo was moving. So i just drew some more cubes and it turned out 2 dimensional. When i was finished i started my painting first i did green on a side of the cube and blue and purple.this is how it turned out at the end.





1 Comment so far

  1.   vilis_0506 on February 13th, 2024          Reply

    This is a very good painting, good job! But also just remember to put a space after the full stop and to put a capital letter after the full stop. Also don’t put a full stop when continuing something like instead of “otherwise you. Have to restart” do “otherwise you have to restart”. But great work though.

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