Week 2 Tuesday, my class and I were in 6 groups. I was group 1. The people in my group were Nathan M, Gurman, Jacob, Olivia(absent) and me. We had an article about how insects are important, and Nathan was doing the 1st and 2nd part of the article, Gurman was doing the fifth, (idk(I don’t know) what Jacob’s part was) and I was doing the 4th part called “Insects are an important food source. I learned that not just animals eat insects but also people and other insects eat insects as well. They play a VERY important role of the food chain/web, because they’re one of the most common food for small mammals and reptiles. If they were gone, some of the animals that eat them would be gone as well. Insects don’t just play a role in the food chain, but they also are important for pollinating. Some insects are known to pollinate plants, such as bees, butterflies, flies, wasps, and more! The way butterflies and bees do this is they go to a plant to drink nectar and accidentally get pollen on them, then they go to another plant to drink nectar and transferring the pollen to the plant. Some insects are scavengers(animals that eat dead things). They’ll either eat things that are dead or alive. Like the dung beetle, it cleans dung/doo doo/poop made from cow, sheep, dog and more. Not just the dung beetle but also another type of scavenger insect is the meat ant. They strip off the meat of dead animals. But not all insects are good, some are known for carrying diseases such as mosquitos. But that’s why God created insects that control pest population like dragonflies. They usually prey on mosquitos when they’re nymphs and adults. Lastly, insects can actually be very inspiring for determination such as ants, termites, beetles etc. Some are also inspiring for what they do: pest population controlling, nature cleaners, and more! Even though most insects are disgusting and ugly, they are REALLY important to the world’s balance. Hopefully, they won’t go extinct.
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