
Guardians of the earth


Pollution has become a really common and a serious problem in our world today. There is many different types of pollution that all cause different problems. Pollution is damaging our earth and there is ways us humans can stop it.

What is pollution?

Pollution is a harmful and poisonous thing that is bad for our air. The level of pollution in the air is rising. Pollution is when an amount of any substance is in the environment or the air faster than it can be safely stored.

Kinds of pollution –

Air Pollution – Air pollution happens because of the bad gases and stuff that are in the air. This is because dust, dirt and poisonous gases from the factories and more. To reduce this we can avoid buses and other transportation services. You can also recycle, this is a easy one to do all you need to do is put you rubbish in the recycle bin.
Water pollution – Water pollution is caused because humans like us dump unnecessary things in our ocean. Ways to try and prevent this is to plant native plants which can be better for our climate. You can also avoid plastic, as more than 8 tons of plastic gos into our ocean each year.

Due To Pollution-

Because of pollution our earth is slowly dying and lots of things can happen like lung cancer, heart diseases and asthma. It can be really bad for our breathing systems too. Which is why we have to try to reduce pollution.

Conclusion –

In conclusion pollution is very very bad for our air and environment, we need to try and reduce the level of pollution. In general there is loads of different types of pollution that are really bad for us.


5 replies on “Guardians of the earth”

Love the writing I like how you put in air pollution and talked about it your punctuation is really good.

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